The Scalability of DevOps
Organizations have been at the cusp of digital transformation for years. Technology innovations have made it easy for organizations to move to a remote workforce in a matter of days when COVID hit. Artificial intelligence has allowed us to discover previously undetected connections and move to speech and image recognition, giving way to robotic personal assistances at home or at work. Bockchain has innovated a decentralized digital ledger. And innovations like 5G, Edge computer and distributed cloud allows organizations to move fast and stay connected at speeds we have never even imagined before.
With all these innovations, organizations have more data moving through cloud environments like never before. It is imperative that organizations invest in technologies that are able to scale to the demand they need. And this means your DevOps platform needs to scale as well. Whether that is scaling up and expand when the demand is high or scaling down when the demand is low, your DevOps platform is no exception to scaling with your needs.
Choosing a platform that can scale
According to Aaron M. Lee, CEO of Stealth Startup, there are two kinds of scalability that DevOps engineers tend to address: application and organization. “An app’s scalability is really a question of how long it takes and how much it costs to build and operate a system that successfully delivers a certain level of concurrency; one that matches or exceeds user demand over some time period,” said Lee. “Estimating answers to these questions is a critical success factor for many companies, and the ability to do so often goes unrecognized until it’s too late.” Businesses and the technology investments need to have clear business objectives on cost, risk tolerance, etc.
Scalability is still one of the top priorities for all organizations and DevOps ensures this through better processes and practices. Choosing a platform that can scale (up or down) to your needs helps ensure your organization creates innovation opportunities and fosters a performance orientation instead of competition between teams.
Our Customers
At Flosum, we are proud that our customer trust us to scale to the needs that they have. Here are some examples from our small enterprises to multi-national enterprises and their ability to scale with the Flosum platform:
- One of our customer’s push 12-15 deployments into production A DAY
- Another customer does major upgrades that consist of over 15,000 components
- Finally, one of our customers has 120,000+ components in a single production org shared between 8 completely separate business units, each with completely separate delivery cadences and schedules.
All of these customers (and hundreds more), rely on the scalability of Flosum to be able to deliver their changes and keep their organizations flowing.